Polluted sites carry great financial risk, and potentially a great liability for their owners and investors toward authorities.
IND-EKO d.o.o. minimizes these risks and builds trust in your project by applying latest technological advancements.
Whether your objective is closure, compliance, redevelopment, or litigation, success depends on having an accurate understanding of existing site conditions.
We use the appropriate investigative tools – such as computer modeling, risk assessment, and statistical analysis techniques – to develop effective solutions that focus on your unique business objectives, minimize costs, and optimize benefits of environmental expenditures.
We minimize cleanup costs and time by streamlining investigation efforts, designing practical remedies, and achieving site closure. We provide you with:
- environmental site assessment
- remediation investigation
- environmental impact assessment
- contaminants fate and transport modeling
- real-time data acquisition
- multimedia sampling, analysis, and monitoring
- risk-based cleanup goals
- air, soil and groundwater monitoring
You seek the most efficient remedial solutions available – whether through traditional methods or new innovative technologies. We have implemented solutions that remediate in less than one-quarter of the time it takes for standard techniques including:
- thermal desorption
- bioremediation
- stabilization
Our advanced in-situ approaches:
- expedite cleanup progress
- increase property value
- and minimize long-term liability
We are leaders in determining what technologies will be effective over the life of the project and at what point site goals are met.
You rely on our understanding of the advantages and limitations of remediation technologies, and proven ability to apply modeling and risk-based techniques.
By combining these skills with a thorough understanding of your business objectives, we bring closure to environmental issues quickly and cost effectively. In many instances, we can assure compliance and guarantee closure before we start the project.
Thermal desorption is a soil remediation technology for clean-up of the soil contaminated with hydrocarbons, tar, solvents, PAH, phenols, pesticides and other organic contaminants. This technology uses heat to volatilize organic contaminants and thus physically remove them from the soil.
Reliability and safety of this technology is proven by extensive worldwide. It is considered BAT (best-available-technology) technology by European Union regulation.
Short project duration
Thermal desorption enables short project duration because it can treat large amount of soil daily.
Site restoration
Main benefit from this technology is ability to treat polluted soil on-site and restore it to its original state.
Long-term cost control
Thermal desorption completely removes all organic contaminants from the polluted soil and thus prevents additional future remediation expenditure due to stricter environmental regulation.
Sustainable technology
This, environmentally friendly, technology enables you to reuse treated soil on-site or off-site avoiding high disposal costs. All this allows you to be in complete conformity with new EU regulation.
Guaranteed clean-up goals
Remediation results are checked daily by sampling treated soil in order to confirm achievement of clean-up goals.
Guaranteed deadline
Daily remediation capacity is known before the project starts, so due deadline can be precisely determined.